A pioneering project in Brazil: the only one to include transmission lines with aerial, submarine, and underground sections.

Biguaçu Electrical Interconnection

Our projects

- Santa Catarina
- Benefited area: metropolitan region of Florianópolis

- Total: R$ 440 million
- Allowed Annual Revenue (RAP): R$ 52 million, for the 2023-2024 tariff cycle
- Jobs created: approximately 630

- 57 km of transmission lines
- 1 new substation and expansion of the Biguaçu Substation in Ratones
- 300 MVA of installed capacity
- The submarine transmission section, installed in Baía Norte, features cables weighing over 2,600 tons and extends approximately 26 km, roughly equivalent to the length of the Rio-Niterói Bridge.
- It is the largest in South America in alternating current (which is more easily transported over long distances).
- This is the second submarine transmission line in Florianópolis.
The project was awarded in Lot 01 of the transmission auction held in June 2018.

Are you interested? Please contact us.
We are available if you have any questions, suggestions or any other topic you want to discuss with us.