An important project for the state of São Paulo and the country, as it strengthens the National Interconnected System (SIN) and the country's energy infrastructure. The construction was completed in record time, 12 months ahead of schedule.

Itaquerê Electrical Interconnection

Our projects

- State of São Paulo
- Benefited area: Araraquara

- Total: R$ 250 million
- Allowed Annual Revenue (RAP): R$ 65 million, for the 2023-2024 tariff cycle
- Jobs created: 250

- Araraquara 2 Substation - 3 x Synchronous Compensators 500 kV - (-180/+300) MVAr
- 900 MVA of transformation capacity

Are you interested? Please contact us.
We are available if you have any questions, suggestions or any other topic you want to discuss with us.