The project, the result of a consortium between ISA ENERGIA BRASIL and TAESA, contributes to the transmission of energy produced by the Itaipu Hydroelectric Plant to the Southeast region.

Ivaí Electrical Interconnection

Our projects

- Paraná
- Benefited area: Southeast region, Mato Grosso do Sul, and North and Northwest regions of Paraná

- Total: R$ 2 billion
- Allowed Annual Revenue (RAP): R$ 376 million, for the 2023-2024 cycle
- Jobs created: over 3,000

- 593 km of transmission lines and 1,239 towers
- Over 2,600 MVA of installed capacity
- Construction of the Londrina, Foz do Iguaçu, Guaíra, Paranavaí Norte, and Sarandi substations, the latter being a digital substation

Are you interested? Please contact us.
We are available if you have any questions, suggestions or any other topic you want to discuss with us.