ISA CTEEP adheres to REIS Pact for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities
São Paulo, February 24, 2022 – The inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor market is still a challenge. According to Ethos Institute, even with the enactment of the Quota Law (Law nº 8.213/91) targeted at companies with over one hundred employees, data on the inclusion of professionals with disabilities in companies show that only 30% of the approximately one million job positions earmarked for this population were filled. During the pandemic, this scenario became even more worrisome: according to data from the Departamento Intersindical de Estatística e Estudos Socioeconômicos (Interunion Department for Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies - DIEESE), about 20% of the 849 thousand jobs that were closed were held by people with disabilities.
Difficulties in adapting offices and factories, lack of qualified labor, and adjustments in the hiring process are some of the reasons that hinder companies from complying not only with the quota established by law, but from going beyond, expanding their social role and promoting debates and improvements for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor market.
As another step towards diversity, to increase participation in the topic and to expand the hiring of people with disabilities, ISA CTEEP, the largest private energy transmission company in the country, joined the Pact for the Inclusion of the Employability of People with Disabilities in the Labor Market, together with the Business Network for Social Inclusion (REIS).
With this, the company takes on five commitments to be implemented in the strategy of its Diversity and Inclusion Program: engage senior leadership to respect and promote the rights of people with disabilities; develop policies and procedures aimed at affirmative action in all areas of the organization; promote an inclusive and accessible culture and environment for all people with disabilities; communicate and educate about the rights and duties of people with disabilities, in addition to including the issue in the company's strategy.
The Pact considers the principles, laws and regulations of respect for the rights of people with disabilities, especially the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention (United Nations), the Brazilian Law of Inclusion and the Charter Principles - ILO Global Business and Disability Network.
“We believe that our actions have the potential to positively impact society as we empower our employees and promote equity, inclusion and the appreciation of diversity. We know that there is still a huge challenge for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor market and that we need to move forward urgently to fulfill our social role. That's why we put the topic at the core of our strategy”, explains Cristhiani Chitero, Organizational Talent Officer at ISA CTEEP.
Currently, the company has about 70 open positions. To apply to the selection processes, interested parties can access the website https://isacteep.gupy.io/.
In 2020, ISA Group, of which the transmission company is a part, launched Outros Olhares program, which guides the company's diversity and inclusion strategy, in addition to broadening discussions and awareness on the topic, through four pillars: gender equality; people with disabilities; LGBTQI+ and ethnic-racial.
Last year, for the first time, the company opened registrations for the Internship Program focused on diversity and inclusion, with a selection process targeted mainly at women, blacks and browns and people with disabilities.
In terms of gender equity, the company already stands out as the company with the highest share of women in executive management positions in the Brazilian energy sector. Of a total of five professionals, three are women, representing, therefore, 60% of the senior leadership staff.
Throughout ISA Group, women representation in management positions is 29%, versus an average of 18% in Latin American companies, according to a survey conducted by the International Business Review in 2020. For five years, the company has also been promoting the presence of women on all the boards of its subsidiaries.
With a staff comprising over 1,500 employees, ISA CTEEP is present in 18 States, operating a complex transmission network, responsible for the flowing of 30% of all electricity consumed in the country, and 94% of the State of São Paulo. Its electrical system comprises more than 29,000 km of circuits (about 28,000 in operation and 1,500 under construction), including owned and jointly controlled assets, and 133 owned substations (126 in operation and seven under construction) with voltage up to 550 kV. Its controlling shareholder is the Colombian company ISA, holder of 35.82% of the total capital.
- Press information: ISA CTEEP – RPMA Comunicação
Kelly Queiroz – (11) 94216-3176
Sara Saar – (11) 97566-2433
[email protected]