TAESA and ISA CTEEP energize Paraguaçu Transmission Line
- With an investment of more than R$ 680 million, the project interconnects the Northeast and Southeast regions, contributing to the flow of renewable energy to large consumption centers.
July 2022 - Electric power transmitters TAESA and ISA CTEEP have just completed the construction of the Paraguaçu Electric Interconnection, located in the states of Bahia and Minas Gerais and comprising the Poções III - Padre Paraíso 2 500 kV 338-kilometer-long transmission line. The investment made was approximately R$ 680 million and the Allowed Annual Revenue (RAP) is around R$ 143 million (2022/2023 tariff cycle).
The project is connected to the Aimorés Electric Interconnection transmission line, powered up in May by the same consortium, and will have a key role in the distribution of renewable energy generated in the Northeast, from solar and wind sources, to the Southeast, the region with the highest load consumption. The projects combined amount to 546 kilometers in length.
“The energization of the two lines, LT Aimorés and LT Paraguaçu, brings robustness to the National Interconnected System (SIN), equalizing load and demand, with the transport of the abundant renewable energy generated in the Northeast. It is yet another project that meets the Company's business strategy, which has the mission of connecting Brazil with safe and reliable energy”, comments Luís Alessandro Alves, TAESA's Director of Implementation.
“We work towards the generation of sustainable value. Therefore, delivering another enterprise that contributes to progress in the use of renewable energies is absolutely in line with our strategy. Paraguaçu and Aimorés are gigantic combined projects that will deliver high-quality electricity to the population, especially in the Southeast region of the country”, adds Dayron Urrego, chief project officer at ISA CTEEP.
Almost 600 towers were installed during works, connecting 14 municipalities in the states of Bahia and Minas Gerais and generated1,320 jobs, with significant employment of local workforce.
The transmission line cables were launched with the use of drones in places with dense vegetation, avoiding cutting of native forest. A 237-hectare preserved area was also donated to be added to the Mata do Passarinho Natural Heritage Private Reserve, the only place where the Entufado-baiano is found, one of the most endangered bird species on the planet. The initiative was acknowledged by the Hugo Werneck Award.
The companies also contributed to the strengthening of quilombola communities (Paraguai and Córrego Santana) around the project, with renovations, donation of equipment, improvements in the water supply system, educational courses and construction of nurseries and workshops for seedling production.
The Paraguaçu Electric Interconnection, purchased in Batch 03 of the transmission auction held in 2016, was built by Aliança Interligação Elétrica (AIE), a consortium comprising both companies, each with a 50% share.
With a staff comprising over 1,500 employees, ISA CTEEP is present in 18 States, operating a complex transmission network, responsible for the flowing of 30% of all electricity consumed in the country, and 94% of the State of São Paulo. Its electrical system comprises more than 29,000 km of circuits (about 28,000 in operation and 1,500 under construction), including owned and jointly controlled assets, and 133 owned substations (126 in operation and seven under construction) with voltage up to 550 kV. Its controlling shareholder is the Colombian company ISA, holder of 35.82% of the total capital.
- Press information: ISA CTEEP – RPMA Comunicação
Kelly Queiroz – (11) 94216-3176
Sara Saar – (11) 97566-2433
[email protected]